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Earth Hour Day Theme 2024

Earth Hour 2024: 'Give An Hour For Earth'

The world's largest grassroots movement for the environment

March 23, 2024, 2:11 pm IST

Earth Hour, the world's largest grassroots movement for the environment, will be observed on Saturday, March 29, 2024, from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm local time. The event, which began in Sydney, Australia, in 2007, has grown into a global movement involving millions of people in over 180 countries and territories.

The aim of Earth Hour is to raise awareness about the importance of protecting our planet and to inspire people to take action to reduce their environmental impact. During the event, people are encouraged to turn off their lights and other non-essential electrical appliances for one hour as a symbolic gesture of their commitment to the environment.

Earth Hour 2024 will focus on the theme "Give an Hour for Earth." The campaign is calling on people to pledge to make a change in their lives that will have a positive impact on the planet. This could include anything from reducing their energy consumption to planting trees or volunteering for environmental organizations.

To participate in Earth Hour, simply turn off your lights and other non-essential electrical appliances for one hour on March 29, 2024, from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm local time. You can also sign up for the Earth Hour pledge at www.earthhour.org.
